Central Florida Catering

12270 West Colonial Drive Suite #113-114

Winter Garden, Florida 34787

Telephone (407) 905-5718

Fax (407) 905-5719


Chef Attended Carving And Cooking Stations

all include assorted mini rolls and condiments



Top Round Of Beef                        

Prime Rib Of Beef                                   

Top Sirloin Roast       

Tenderloin of Beef

Steam Ship Round                           

Smoked Country Ham                             

Roast Turkey Breast                                  

Leg of Lamb                             

Corn Beef Round              

Loin Of Pork                        


Buffet Side Cooking By The Chef


Pasta Station

with assorted pastas, sauces and breads


Fahita Station                                

with shells and fillings                 


Sauté Station              

variety of items available     


Grilling Station

steaks, seafood or chicken